Motivational Interviewing

We provide high-quality effective training in Motivational Interviewing (MI). Over the past twenty five years we have trained thousands of practitioners in how to improve their skills in promoting positive behaviour change with those they work with. We are recognised as the leading experts and providers of quality Motivational Interviewing training in Ireland. We have delivered MI training and MI related conference presentations in the UK, Scotland, Spain, France, Greece, Malta, Poland, the Netherlands and the USA.
To access our range of eLearning Motivational Interviewing training courses which are delivered completely online allowing you to complete the training in the comfort of your home or office, please select one of the courses below.
With Professor Stephen Rollnick and Professor Bill Miller at the international conference of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers held in Malahide, Dublin, Ireland, in October 2017.
In 2017 Paul Delaney was chosen by his peers to chair the organising committee for the international conference of MINT, held in Ireland for the first time since 1997. This hugely successful conference was attended by 350 foreign delegates from many parts of the world. Paul was a participant at the inaugral MINT conference in 1997 and since then he has contributed extensively both nationally and internationally to the continued development of Motivational Interviewing.
Free Motivational Interviewing ManualThe manual contains a selection of training modules from our Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced level online courses. We have included the following modules in your free Motivational Interviewing manual to give you a really good overview of this approach:
Also included is a very helpful eight page glossary of Motivational Interviewing terms. |
You can download your copy of our free 64 page Motivational Interviewing manual directly from our partner organisation Online Solutions A short video clip from one of our online modules.
To view more videos please visit our YouTube channel. |
Client Testimonials
"The course was really hands on, a lot of very useful examples of how to put MI into practice" - Peter, clinical psychologist, HSE
"Best course I've ever done, so practical and I've gained a lot of new skills that I can put into use immediately" - Helen, project worker, community based service.
"Learning to avoid the righting reflex will be a big challenge, but it also makes so much sense and this course has really got me thinking about how I engage with patients" - Deirdre, nurse, HSE
"I'm really looking forward to using the MI that I've learnt on this course with the people I engage with, a brilliant course and a great deal of learning in it for me" - - Alan, community development worker, partnership company
"This advanced course was a perfect balance of getting new knowledge and gaining new skills. Dealing with resistance is a big part of my job and I now feel more confident in this area" - Jenny, social worker, TUSLA
"A great course. A lot of the patients I work with are not yet ready to fully commit to changing but now I have an approach that can help me to motivate or nudge them forward in an effective way" - Susan, occupational therapist
"It was really good to get some extra tools to put into my existing tool kit. The course couldn't have been better in explaining how to use the strategies of MI and how to develop an effective change plan" - Michael, employment services officer, Local Employment Service
"The course has given me extra skills to use with a variety of client issues relating to behaviour change, well worth doing and I will certainly be doing the advanced level course" - Angela, psychotherapist
"MI is such a practical and logical approach for engaging with people who are often stuck but really want to change, a great emphasis in the course on how it is done, will definitely be doing more in this area" - Frank, community employment supervisor